Public Notification of Development Applications

Current Applications on Public Notification

Category 2 Development Applications

Only the owners/occupiers who have been notified have the right to submit a representation on the development.

Category 3 Development Applications

There are currently no Category 3 Development Applications for review

What is Category 2 and 3 Notification

Certain development applications require public notification to ensure that adjoining residents and the community at large are notified of developments that may impact upon them, and allow them an opportunity to object to the proposed development.

The Development Act 1993 and associated Development Regulations 2008 are quite prescriptive in terms of which applications require public notification and the level of public notification that is required for each development across the State.  Therefore Council has minimal discretion in terms of choosing which level of public notification is required for each development as it is required to adhere to the Development Act.

The Development Act and Regulations assign Public Notification Categories to various types of development and these are summarised as follows:

Category 1 - No public notification is required.  No adjoining property owner or other third party has the opportunity to object to the application.  This is assigned to most minor developments.

Category 2 - Adjoining owners are notified of the development. Letters are sent to adjoining property owners.  Only those who have received letters directly from Council have the opportunity to object to the application.  This is generally assigned to developments that may have local impacts.

Category 3 - Adjoining owners and the general public are notified of the development.  Letters are sent to adjoining property owners an/d a public notice is placed on Council’s website. Everyone has the opportunity to object to the application.  This is generally assigned to developments that may have wider impacts, and/or are inconsistent with the relevant Zone provisions.

How does Category 2 and 3 notification work?

Anyone who has been notified has the opportunity to lodge a written submission either objecting to the application or suggesting changes that would lessen the impact of the development on them or others.  This can be done by completing the representation form attached to the notice, and/or you may include any letters, photographs etc. which would support your argument if you wish.

To submit your representation you may:

  • email it to;
  • post it to PO Box 28, Mannum  SA  5238; or
  • submit it in person at any of the Council Offices located at Mannum, Cambrai or Morgan (opening hours: 9am - 5pm).

To be effective it is encouraged that any submissions:

  • Address only relevant planning issues as expressed in policies contained in Council's Development Plan;
  • Be objective, succinct, and to the point;
  • Offer solutions on how concerns may be overcome;
  • Be submitted on or before the due date.

If a representation is received, it is then forwarded to the applicant who has two weeks to respond in writing to any concerns raised.  It should be noted that all representations become a public document.

If the issues raised are not resolved to everyone’s satisfaction, the application is assessed by the Council Assessment Panel. Anyone who lodged a representation will be advised in writing of the Panel meeting, and will have the opportunity to attend the meeting and, if a desire to be heard was indicated on the representation form, address the Panel in support of their submission.

Can I obtain a copy of the plans/drawings for an application on notification?

Anyone can view the plans for an application during the notification period by clicking the links at the top of this page.  Please note that you can only view them during the notification period.

While relevant adjoining owners and/or the public are given the opportunity to view the plans, they are protected under the Copyright Act 1968 which prevents Council from freely giving out copies to the public.  However Regulation 34(2) of the Development Regulations, does allow for members of the public to apply to Council for a copy of the plans during the public consultation period. To apply for a copy of plans under this provision you will need to complete the form attached to the notice and pay a fee to cover printing/administrative costs.


Documents, plans, other technical drawings or content provided as part of public notification may be protected by Copyright laws and should not be reproduced.  By downloading any documents, plans or other technical information from this website, you declare that their use will be to assist in deciding the grounds and form (if any) of a representation to the Mid Murray Council and not for any other purpose.