Mid Murray Council's road network is extensive and is the second largest of local government areas in South Australia totalling 3,383 kilometres. . This significant asset is a vital service, connecting communities over an area of 6,269 km2. The road network includes 350 kilometres of sealed road, 2,714 kilometres of sheeted and formed unsealed roads and 21 bridges & major culverts. The current value of the road network is in excess of $87 million.
Mid Murray Council Road Register can be found here. Although every effort has been made to ensure this information is accurate and up to date, please note changes may occur at the discretion of Council.
Copies of Rural Road Maps can also be found below:
Mid Murray Councils Road Management Plan can also be found at this link here for further information.
Council also has a number of unformed and unmade road reserves. For enquiries relating to the use of these road reserves for the purposes of access for farming or other requirements, please complete a Section 222 Permit Application Form. Council has no plan to improve access on unmade or unformed roads nor are we obligated to improve on request. Council may consider permitting a landowner to improve or upgrade access at their own cost and subject to the receipt of a formal application (Development Application or Section 221 Permit).
There are a number of dedicated commodity routes within the Council area and extensive study and investment is made to ensure these roads are fit for purpose. Council removes encroaching trees and vegetation from rural roads to ensure clear carriageways and has a dedicated team to manage this issue.