Election - Shearer Ward Supplementary Election

Shearer Ward Supplementary Election

Following the resignation of Councillor Kelly Gladigau, the Electoral Commission of SA (ECSA) will be conducting a supplementary election to fill the vacancy created in the Shearer Ward.

Participating in Local Government Elections is one of the most effective ways to make a difference to life in your community and the Mid Murray Region as a whole.


Voters Roll closed 20 December 2024

People who own property, operate a business, live within the Mid Murray Council region, and are enrolled to vote on either the Electoral Commission's Voters Roll or the Council’s Supplementary Voters Roll, are eligible to nominate as a candidate for the vacant Shearer Ward position. However, only people who live, operate a business or own property and are enrolled to vote in the Shearer Ward are eligible to vote.

Click on the link below or visit Enrolment - Electoral Commission SA for further details.


Nominations closed 12 noon, Thursday 30 January 2024

To view the Candidates and the ballot paper draw - Click here


People who live, own property or run a business and are enrolled to vote in the Shearer Ward are eligible to vote.

Further information

Visit ECSA's website - 2024 Mid Murray Council supplementary election - Electoral Commission SA (ecsa.sa.gov.au) 


Click on the links below for updated information throughout the Shearer Ward Supplementary Election process.

Authorised by Ben Scales, CEO, 49 Adelaide Road, Mannum SA 5238